
The Quiet One

“It’s always the quiet ones.”

Said the Sheriff with his hand on his hip guns.

You could see the mixture of sadness and wonder in his face and eyes.

“There must have been something that really set her off.” as the camera pulls out you can see where the body lies.


“Is she going to jail now Sheriff?” Said the nearest talking head.

“Because she kept going after he was dead?”

“No, it may be gruesome but it appears justified.”

“We believe this was the serial rapist that had died.”

“Once we have analysed the DNA,

I believe this lady will be shown a hero this day.”


There is a pause as some reporters jot this down.

Then another asks if the head was ever found.

“Yes with some dogs headed toward town.

We followed the blood trail across the ground.”


“How many blows?” Pipes up a reporter in sharp clothes.

“It will be quite a challenge before the coroner knows.”

“Why did she react with so much violent rage?”

“We suspect a previous assault left her pent up for an age.”


“Her husband actually had to pull her off.

Long passed when this fellow had had enough.

That poor women must have had it tough.

To loose control that bad means she had it rough.”


“The security camera footage clearly shows,

The attempted assault and then the blows.

She didn’t really stop until she hit her own husband on the nose.

But when you assault a women I guess this is how it goes.”


“The women is being checked out at the hospital for possible broken fists.

It’s possible she even broke her wrists.

If not we’d be amazed at this.

She didn’t want to go but we insist.”


“She was treated with ice right here at the scene.

Her hands were so swollen and bloody, poor thing.

We almost had to cut off her ring.

She may have broken her finger from a swing.”


The blood appears on the TV as a dark stain,

Spreading from where the body has lain,

One larger streak crossing the flower bed.

No doubt it came from the head.

By Kevin

Born at an early age I learned to walk talk and squawk with the animals. Now I am trying to learn to talk to you. I am over 21 more than once, I like games, poetry, music, programming, geekness, and bright paper packages tied up with string. My politics run leftish, but I am not responsible for others who do, or say they do. I enjoy tech.

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